I started training in the gym when I was 17 because I wanted to look good for my first boys holiday. I am now 32 and have never stopped training. Although the goal nowadays is no longer just to look good for holiday. But more so to look good and feel good for the rest of my life. During that time I have used many different protein powders and brands. But its always been to get the same benefits. And I’m going to talk about those benefits now.

1. Protein is vital for muscle growth and maintenance

Because whey protein is rich in leucine (an important anabolic, or building, amino acid), it benefits me when I’m trying to build lean mass and decrease body fat.

Also since exercise causes both protein breakdown and protein growth, I need to consume adequate amounts of protein to result in a positive net balance of protein after exercise.

2. Whey protein is convenient

Another benefit I like about whey protein is the fact that its convenient. I can increase my protein intake easily and quickly without having to cook a meal. The powder does not need to be refrigerated and is easy to measure and mix simply with water or add to a smoothie, yoghurt, oatmeal, or other liquid. If I want to I can even add the whey protein powder into baked goods and other recipes.

Finally I can transport the powder easily. Taking it to the gym with me for example so I can have it post workout.

3. Can reduce muscle fatigue

Over the last few years I’ve added 1-2 conditioning workouts into my weekly routine. And whey protein benefits my performance as well my ability to build and maintain lean muscle mass.

Consuming whey protein after exercise helps to increase muscle protein synthesis and glucose uptake for glycogen synthesis in the muscles.

Glycogen is the muscles’ form of energy storage. Whey protein benefits the muscles by ensuring adequate glycogen stores for them to perform better and not fatigue as quickly.

4. Keeps me fuller for longer compared to other snacks

Finally protein slows down the process of digestion, which increases satiety. Which keeps me feeling fuller for longer. This feeling of fullness is great when I’m either in a calorie deficit or eating at maintenance. Because it helps me stop snacking and overeating.

Also, when I’m in a calorie deficit getting leaner I like whey because It keeps my protein intake high while keeping calories low thanks to its low fat and carbohydrate content.

Overall Protein plays many roles in the body and is required in higher amounts by people who train like myself.

The benefits of whey protein include increasing muscle mass, preventing muscle loss, improved performance, and increased satiety.