Say No to Whey Isolates

It’s amazes me that “health” & fitness professionals still talk about how important it is for people to “hit their macros” and tell people to get their “protein in” buy using bulk bags of cheap whey protein. This cheap protein is either a highly…

Whey Protein For Cyclists

For a cyclist protein is an essential macronutrient with regards to building strong muscle mass and recovery. Your recommended quantity of Whey Protein depends upon your activity levels. If your activity levels are intense then your Whey Protein demands also increases. Therefore, a high-quality…

A very different Whey

The problem with all other Whey Protein Powders available on the market today is that they undergo 1 to 2 heat sterilisation/pasteurisation steps. These Whey Protein Powders are first heat sterilised/pasteurised at 161 degrees for 15 seconds as milk. Then the milk is fermented…

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